lili's musings

gender is...

Gender is a performance, just as money is a performance. It's a show for some, to guess the nature of the wearer from their clothes, to exchange a past photo on a passport or some folded cash as if exchanging a polite greeting. To some, having a comfortable relationship with it is not a given, it is life or death.

Gender is a belief, just as gods are beliefs. Some say that only a few matter, or perhaps even just one. Yet in exploring the world and ourselves we find uncountable infinities of thought hidden within each piece of perception. Our beliefs matter, they shape reality. We build barriers and bridges with our thoughts alone.

Gender is ink on the paper, meaningless without our knowing glance. The concepts live within us, we interpet the worlds from the words on the page, the expectations from the bodies we inhabit.

Gender is an illusion perhaps, but one so entrenched within us that it might as well be real.

#gender #trans